Drive Forward Program Used Car Giveaway

We understand that a reliable transportation method provides upward economic mobility, enables low-income families to relocate, and expands their children’s opportunities for education and enrichment. Since the hit of the Covid-19 pandemic, low-income families are struggling to earn a living. Hop4Kids and A&K Supreme Auto strive to provide free cars or repair services to low-income families. We are happy to …

UJI Time Dessert School Fundraising – Support Schools

Ice Cream

Uji Time Dessert (, a well-known ice cream chain in the Bay Area, is partnering with Hop4Kids to hold a fundraising event to support elementary students in the Bay Area and Peninsula. Good news to those who love ice cream and also love to participate in the charity. You can order Uji Time ice cream with a discounted price on …

Bujesi Primary School Project in Tanzania

For images and a little bit more story: Background Story As of July 2020, the Kasumulu Primary School has today 1048 students, including 136 toddlers. They have 10 classrooms, 1 headmaster’s office and 2 staffrooms for their 12 teachers. This means that on average we do have 105 pupils in each classroom. Hop4Kids believes that the number per …

Corona-virus Relief fund – Donation to Permanente Kaiser

Donation to Kaiser Permanente On April 8th, 2020, the volunteers form Hop4Kids, BCSSA from UC Berkeley, and Apine Health Group have met with the Area CFO from Kaiser Permanente (KP), Troy Logan to handover the 5, 000 masks to their medical staffs. We had a conversion with the CFO that KP is still looking for more medical supplies, and Hop4Kids is …

2020 North American Asian Cup (NAAC) and Silent Auction

NAAC_Poster_2020 Charity_Soccer_Event_San_Francisco Silent Auction Event Hop4Kidsis planning to organize a silent auction during the2020 North American Asian Cup(NAAC) in Las Vegas on April 11-12, 2020. There will be around 400+ attendees show up in the event. Therefore, Hop4Kids wishes companies, retailers and local business owners can make in-kind donations (e.g., room nights, show tickets, restaurants) for the attendees as the …

Cocoa for Schools

Cocoa for Schools committed to improving the lives of cocoa farmers and their families in Tanzania. Kim’s Chocolates works tirelessly to improve the substructure for education in the local communities. Our target is to build, complete or renovate 2100 classrooms in the next 10-12 years. In addition, we want to distribute 430,000 books to the kids. Moreover, the project assists farmers, including …